

All workshops & sessions take place online through Zoom

To register for a workshop email

Feel free to ask me any questions by calling 860-550-0882 or



Bring whatever art supplies interest you or you are curious to play with.

Create a space that is distraction free, where you can create freely & be messy as you like- it can be a kitchen table.

No previous experience is needed & fine if you do!


Creative support

Guided meditation

Generous amount of time for sharing at the opening and ending

approx. 2 hours of solo creating time.

Phone access to Elisabeth for private support chats about materials, or anything that comes up that you need to support your creating freedom.


Saturday TBA 2025

12:30 - 4:00 pm EDT

$50 on zoom 
Visually voice  a prayer you are carrying using muti-media art supplies.  Give expression to your hearts longing &
deepen connection to  symbols that come through intuitively. 
Strengthen your capacity to listen to the silence & the great Mystery .

Finding freedom in art-making through play

Saturday TBA 2025



Come together in a safe circle of fellow creators to play with art materials of any kind and let your visual voice roam free

The invitation in this workshop is opening your heart to play with what you love as you create.

Be free to “not-know”, while you follow what moves you from within.

Allow the brushstroke, the color , the mark of the crayon, the rip of the collage paper, to take you by feel.

Playing moment by moment without a plan or expectation invites aliveness.


TBA 2025

12:30-4:00pm  $50.

Allow images of peace to  flow through us, using multi media art supplies. As we create intuitively our expression is a  peace offering to the world.
Trusting   that our voice makes a difference for peace, both  inside us  and everywhere. 

Monday Art Sangha

Mondays 1:00-4:30pm

Monthly sign up $160.

Drop-ins space permitting $45.

The Monday Art Sangha is a community of heart-full creators gathering together weekly, to support ours and each others creative hearts to flower and unfold authentically.

No prior experience required.

Through love, spaciousness, curiosity and trusting our intuition, 

we make art that strengthens kinship inside and out .

Grow your capacity to trust, let go and listen to your intuitive, native voice.

Deepen connection with your heart.

Sacred Presence

True Nature Expression

Saturday January 18 2025

12:30 - 4:00pm


Give visual voice to the shining Presence that you are. Guided meditation and sacred poetry prompts inspire intuitive visual and written expressions of the un-nameable Beloved within and without.

Collage Making Play!

Saturday TBA 2025


Create  your own  multi-colored, patterned, collage papers using a variety of simple techniques and tools.
Having a pile of collage papers adds inspiration to your creations & visual stories

 Individual Creative Support Sessions

Empower your natural way of self expressing with individual support. Unburden from unsupportive conditioned beliefs through sharing, expression and compassion. Discover and tap into the wellspring of your unique expression and foster a sense freedom and possibility.

All are welcome - whether you have experience with visual art or none . Simply the desire to deepen and love your inner fire is all you need .
1.5 Hour sessions by appointment. $130.


"I am a biologist who loves to exercise the creative side of my brain.  Elisabeth’s class is the perfect place for me to feel safe and to have a non-criticized art experience.  The world disappears during those few hours spent under Elisabeth’s “art mom” care.  Playful creativity with no thought to the outcome is SO refreshing. "
- Cherie Walton, Burlington, CT

"Elisabeth helped me find my "visual voice"- to let myself create without the editor taking over. I have had a few sessions and I surprised myself ; it was really wonderful finding my artistic self ."
- Francie Brown Holmes, Farmington,CT

"Elisabeth has a profound way of reaching in and touching that place that helps one bloom for a few hours. What a fabulous discovery- knowing that an artist exists within all of us.
What a spiritually fulfilling encounter. " - C.H. , West Hartford, CT

This  Art Sangha is helping me in my grief. Elisabeth is skilled at making an opening to create from the soul and being amongst other creators in silence. Creating together in sacred space, heals.
- Nora J., Canton, CT